Alchemy of Housing Justice
Alchemy of Housing Justice
Bodily and Family Autonomy, Reproductive Justice and Housing Justice
With the Supreme Court making a decision to overturn Roe v. Wade with the Dobbs decision in June, our country’s history of restricting bodily and family autonomy becomes front and center in the public discourse. In this episode, Tiffany Haynes joins us for a conversation about the connections between reproductive justice, bodily autonomy and housing justice.
The Producer of Alchemy of Housing Justice is Terrance Walker, aka Tré Ward. Find out more about his activism and musical gifts to us here.
This podcasted is hosted by the amazing Sarah Hunter.
This podcast wouldn’t be possible without the team of worker-owners at the Housing Justice Collective- Josephine, Rivianna, Niki and Kevin, Funders for Housing Opportunity, and Ann Oliva.